We offer transpersonal classes for free, one time donation, and sliding scale payment.
We believe in creating greater accessibility for everyone by making classes affordable for everyone.
We believe in healing.
Healing to us, is giving ourselves the grace and space to respect and integrate the changes, lessons, pain, and preciousness of all we have been through. To honor who we are now, and what it is we need now.
We believe in self-sovereignty and greater service.
In order to know and follow what is best for our lives, we understand our wise inner voice and true inner light must be nurtured. We believe the practice of supporting self-sovereignty generates compassion and nurtures the sovereignty of all people - such as speaking out regarding human rights issues and supporting our communities.​​
We believe in a bold reclaiming and a return to magic
A return to magic is a celebrated acknowledgment that we are co creating our life with many moving pieces and expressions as well as a higher power and the mystery.
We regularly introduce practices and tools that help us better understand our energy.
We honor our ancestors and where we came from, as well as open to new perspectives that allow us to do better as a people. We also work to strengthen and restore our intuition.
We are an ally with LGTBQIA2S+ and systemically minoritized groups.
We welcome you, hello! Thank you for being here.
Please visit our class listings each month for new offerings or sign up for our new/full moon newsletter to receive class schedules plus astrological insights from Complete Human Astrologer, Mary Nicosia. Big love.

Our teachers and friends
"We are all just walking each other home." -Ram Dass